Half term starts again at the end of this week. It doesn't even feel that long since the Easter holidays but I am not complaining as I love not having to worry about the school rush and runs, worrying about what germs my little one will bring home and I also just love having him home for the week.
Holidays can be such a mixture though of joy and tearing out your hair moments. Here's the list of things I am sure many of us may encounter this half term holiday and why I will be embracing mine;
- Earlier starts than school days. I always find it such a struggle trying to wake my Son up for school. He seems like he could peacefully sleep all morning yet none of us can. I always look forward to the holidays thinking that we can finally get some peaceful morning shut eye, yet they wake up earlier than any alarm I've ever had to set!! Why??!
- Fighting within 10 minutes of being awake. Then the sibling rivalry and fighting begins. Be it over food, TV choices or a toy. And it continues on and off all holiday.
- More cuddles. This is a favourite of mine. I love that holiday time means I can sweep him up and give him extra hugs throughout the day.
- No pack up- more lunch choices! Pack up is always such a chore so I love that we can eat so many more options for lunch! Yet they don't. And they always end up with exactly what they have in their pack ups. Yet on that rare day they might well push the boat out and have chocolate spread instead of marmite.
- Being able to do the reading and homework more casually rather than squeezing it into the only 10 minutes where they're energised enough to sit and do it but not too energised to mess around with it, tired from school but not too tired to be grumpy with it.
- No strict bedtime. In the holidays, although we do stick to our routine and bedtimes, there are a few days where we stretch it out a little, possibly put on a family film or even be out later than we could usually be and it is bliss. Until then we realise we've shortened our evening watching TV.
- The mess. There is so much more mess naturally the more kids that are around and at home. But I love how they play with each other during the holidays and really make the most of each other's company. The toys actually get used! Which I love seeing as we have paid enough for them.
- Wet weather. I really hope I am wrong about this one but the pattern seems to be as follows; kids are off school= heavy rainfall everyday.
- Everywhere is busy. A massive downfall to the holidays is how busy everywhere gets. Shops, tourist attractions, the list goes on. But it's only natural with it being the perfect time to go out as a family.
- Time will go quickly. Whether you are wishing away time until they go back or dreading it, the week off will fly by and soon it will be Sunday evening, you will soon be fighting the children to get to sleep early and doing the pack up, dreading the school run in the morning.
What routines do you have during the holidays? Do you love them or hate them? What would you add to the check list? Pop a comment below, I would love to hear from you.
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