My 8 Parenting New Years Resolutions

Last year is now officially over. It's time to buckle up for another year of lessons, twists and turns. I only hope that this year is more like the Ferris Wheel than the Dodgems. What do I think could make this year easier? What do I think as a parent I should change about our family life this year? Well here are my parenting New Years resolutions; 

  1. Throw out D's comfort bottles. He doesn't quite have a baby bottle, but it's also not exactly what a 3 year old should be drinking from. From the second dinner is over, D is "Milk MIlLLK MILKKK MILLKKKLLKKKLLLKKK" etc until we fill up his beloved bottle with milk. He will then drink 2-3 of these in an evening until he falls asleep tucked up in bed. Once he wakes and skulks into our room he will demand again, only this time its just filled with water. These bottles have to go. He is 3 soon. Wish us luck. 
  2. Once resolution 1 is mission accomplished, we then need to work on getting them out of our bed and out of our room. We are working on rearranging their room and getting new furniture this month in the hope that this may entice them to stay in their own room longer. At the moment Z sleeps on a make shift bed on our floor once he wakes. No- thats not be being mean, because he has a perfectly good bed in his room. We managed to get him out of our bed onto the floor but then we sort of didn't quite make the next step. So let's get back on it. Once he's out of our room all night, it's time to do the same process with D. 
  3. Work on Z's fussy eating. Z used to be such a good eater when he was a young toddler. I remember the Health Visitor warning it may not always be the case, I just didn't realise just HOW fussy a child could be. We've already started taking a new approach to the fussy eating, but I fear it is a long winding road I have to journey on to tackle the fussy eating this year. 
  4. Spend more time with them playing. This is one I always say to myself I will do but I am guilty of the pile up of washing etc getting in the way. I want to organise and prioritise my time better this year. 
  5. Let them choose more. I am also guilty of predicting what my children want, or of enforcing what I believe they should have. This year I want my children to choose more, be it what we do on a Saturday, what family film we watch, what dinners they would like in the week or what clothes they want to put on. Choice will make them feel more included and more important. I won't go as far as painting the walls black like Z wants, though.  
  6. Worry and stress less. I probably worry and stress far more than I need to. About everything. Every little thing. There have been so many times that I have been wide awake worrying about something the boys have done, or something they haven't achieved yet, or if they're poorly or not seeming themselves. There have been plenty of phases and worrying times but what I forget is that worrying and stressing out helps no one. We have gotten through so much as a family so I need to relax a little more and take things one step at a time. 
  7. More family movies. My favourite time of the week growing up, would be when my parents stuck on the movie after a Sunday roast. We would all sit and watch it, it was usually straight after the Eastenders omnibus. I want this for my children too, so now the Fix Factor is over and done with Saturday evenings need to become family movie nights. 
  8. De-clutter. The boys have far more toys than what they require. It's about time I was strict with myself and them and donate whatever doesn't get used or played with to charity. We've already gotten rid of a box since Christmas. I don't want this to be a 2 week wonder; I feel so much happier in the house when it's not cluttered so my challenge is to keep on top of it all. 

What are your parenting New Years resolutions? Or what other resolutions do you have? Pop a comment below, I'd love to hear from you. 

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