My 10 Regretful Parenting Purchases

In a previous post, I described what I felt were my ten best parenting buys thus far. Now I feel the need to give you an insight into the products that I felt were personally a waste of money. Not to say that they would be for anyone else, but these are my own personal opinions. Children grow so quickly and time flies, so looking back at those products I just had to have, I see now that they were a waste of time. Sometimes it's best to be patient because before you know it, they won't need them anymore. Children don't need to be expensive; it's amazing what you can get by with. For those of you expecting, if this helps  at all then hurrah! Save this money for the endless bottles of wine you will need to get through the next few years..... 

1. Tommee Tippee Electric Steam Steriliser. 

Unfortunately I could not breastfeed, so the husband rushed out to buy a steriliser for me. We chose this one online at Toys R Us because it was such a bargain deal; it came with 6 bottles, a bottle brush and two thermo bottle holders. Brilliant. Or so I thought. 

It leaked water everywhere and just broke. It just plain broke. Within the first use. I looked online then and saw a series of reviews similar to my experience. How had I been so stupid not to read the reviews before making such a big important purchase? Luckily for us we had the Cow and Gate bottles with the disposable teats to use in the mean time, so the husband went and exchanged it for the electric Philips Avent steam steriliser. This was so much better. With my youngest I just had a £15 plain Milton cold water bucket steriliser. Equally as good. 

Perhaps the latest editions of the Tommee Tippee sterilisers are much better, who knows? I should only hope so. 

2. Changing Table. 

I brought a gorgeous changing table for the nursery when I was pregnant with my first. I wanted everything to look perfect. I probably used it about 3 times, he was such a wriggler so I ended up putting the changing mat on the bed or the floor. It did, however, make a good temporary book case later on. 

3. Top and Tail Bowl. 

I did Child Development as a GCSE and felt that this product was a must buy because we had really studied up on it. When you think about the process of top and tailing a baby though, you soon realise that you never put the same bit of cotton wool in the water twice. So if you are never putting the cotton wool back in the water, why would you need to spend £6 on two separate compartments for the water? Instead you could use a plastic bowl you already own, Milton sterilise it and use that or use a sink. Easy peasy and much less room is taken up. 

4. Baby Bath. 

I can see why these could be useful, I used one with my eldest. However I never used them for very long before just laying a bath mat down and only filling up the bath a weeny bit. Then you can bath the baby without holding them awkwardly while you struggle to wash them. They lay, you wash. Much less trouble then a baby bath. 

5. Talc. 

Still to this day we have never used talc on the boys. We have been given a couple of bottles of it but have never used it. At first I was too fearful, as the fumes can hurt the baby and the talc can get in their airwaves. Perhaps when they are older the bottles will get used, but for now we have survived without. 

6. Bottle Warmer.  

After a month or so of bottle feeding I thought this would be a much needed and used product but it was such a faff and never got the temperature to what it should be; it would either be too hot or too cold. Instead I used a jug or bowl, poured boiling water into it and placed the bottle of milk in the middle. Then I just kept checking the temperature every so often. 

7. Scratch Mittens. 

I got a fair few pairs of these when I was pregnant with the boys. Again, I only used them a handful of times before realising they were completely useless and just kept falling off. Most newborn- 6 month sleep suits have little folding bits that you can roll over the hands- an inbuilt scratch mitten if you like. 

8. Nappy Disposal System.  

Luckily I saw sense and never brought one of these, as tempted as I was. I think these would be quite expensive and a waste of time and then there's the ongoing money you have to spend for cartridges. There is nothing wrong with just changing a nappy, placing it in a nappy bag and then popping straight into the bin. Imagine the smell from it?! 

9. Bumbo.  

I wanted one of these so bad with both of my boys. I got a different version of one from Mammas and Pappas for my eldest and he was so uncomfortable I just took it back but I didn't want to fork out on a Bumbo brand new. So, I hunted on gumtree and eBay constantly for one close by and never found one and for that I am now grateful. I was always in such a rush to get them sitting up, thinking the only way they would do it would be if I had a Bumbo. Every child sits unaided eventually, they just learn to do it at their own pace. 

10. 0-3 Months Outfits. 

When I was pregnant with my eldest I got given a bundle of clothing and I also went out and got some cute outfits for this age group. Then I had him and realised that it's easier and cuter for them to just live in a sleepsuit for the first few months. Around 4 months he wore more outfits. With my youngest I just embraced the sleep suit onesie stage. I wish I could put them in onesies all day long still, ahh, they grow too quickly. 

What would you add to the list? Are there any buys you regret? Pop a comment below, I'd love to hear from you. 

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