I am totally shocked and happy to say that my blog has been nominated for a Blogger Recognition Award from Elizabeth at Family Farm School! I definitely was not expecting to see the nomination today in my inbox. Check out the blog above, it is quirky, entertaining and a great addition to the web.
I am shocked to have a nomination as I do not feel like I have progressed enough to get any recognition, still we are our own worst critics.
This award is a nice way for bloggers to recognise other bloggers, and help each other bring in some new readers to our sites. So, this award doesn’t come with a blue ribbon, but it does come with a small little to-do list…just a few rules:
- I must recognize and thank the fantastic blogger who nominated me, and provide a link to her blog.
- I must write a post to showcase the award.
- I must write a story about why or how I started my blog.
- I must give new bloggers at least two pieces of advice.
- I must select fifteen other bloggers to receive the award from me.
- I must leave a comment on my nominees’ blogs to tell them about the award, and provide a link to this post.
Why did I start this blog?
I have always loved writing. I criticise myself so much as I still do not feel 'good enough' but as a Mum, this feeling is all very common ground. Still, there is a sense of calm and enjoyment that comes when I write. When I am feeling happy, blessed, sad, angry; I turn to writing. It helps to get all of the pent up frustrations and feelings out of my system. Whether I am writing lists, or writing scribbles of my feelings. This blog helps me to write a mixture of humorous, emotive, handy tips and various of other types of posts. It is a mixed bag because that is what parenting is. So almost 2 years ago now, I decided that as I enjoyed writing so much and as I wanted to invest in myself and a hobby, I took a bold leap. I'm not even sure how far I thought it would go, I just wish I had more time to give to it and commit to it. Still, it is my little 'thing'. My blog. It's not where I would like it to be but I am still proud I took the leap for it anyway. If you want to read more about why I started my blog, check out my very first blog post here; Hello.
Advice for New Bloggers
I would firstly say; Get some content written first. My main problem I have each week is making sure I have decent enough content to publish each week. I try to do a new blog post each week. Some days I nail the writing and will sit down and write a few pieces which keeps me going so that the rest of my time can be focused on promoting the blog posts. Then other days, I wish I had more content. So I believe the more content that you have to begin with, that is written well and thorough then it will get you off to a good start.
Secondly, use social media to your advantage. Set up accounts on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook. Focus on a main one, or two and post content to that and use it to share other blogger's content too. It can be a great way to network.
And the Nominees Are…
5. Twin Mummy And Daddy
6. Dolly Dowse
7. My Life In Rose Tinted Glasses
8. Everything Is A Phase
9. The Muddled Mother
10. Chic Geek Diary
11. Lousy Lou Laura
12. Rolling With Marbles
13. The Melton House
14. Lucie Loves It
15. Mrs Magovern
6. Dolly Dowse
7. My Life In Rose Tinted Glasses
8. Everything Is A Phase
9. The Muddled Mother
10. Chic Geek Diary
11. Lousy Lou Laura
12. Rolling With Marbles
13. The Melton House
14. Lucie Loves It
15. Mrs Magovern